With a passion for intimacy and human connection, I am dedicated to teaching the world how to reveal the profound treasures that lie within relationships. Join me on this journey of enhancing intimacy and navigating life transitions as a team.
My Background

1989-1996 Army Officer / 1996 Management / 1999 Senior Business Consultant / Trainer and Coach


MBA - Coach Academy NL (Individual & Couples)

lighted switch character decor
lighted switch character decor
man kissing woman on her forehead
man kissing woman on her forehead

2014 - Release First Book "I Love You" and Program


Couples Counseling

Guiding couples through crisis and teaching them life lessons along the way.

Learning in groups from each other online.

Relationship Workshops
man kissing woman in grass area
man kissing woman in grass area
man kissing woman's forehead
man kissing woman's forehead
Couples Retreats

Helping couples grow deeper connection in just a few days.

macbook pro on brown wooden table
macbook pro on brown wooden table
Online Courses

Bringing love education to your fingertips

Community Support

Creating a supportive community for growth

yellow and brown leaves on white ceramic tiles
yellow and brown leaves on white ceramic tiles
man kissing woman on her forehead
man kissing woman on her forehead
Family Constellations

Learning how family trees influence a relationship and how to break free from it.

woman in black shirt and black pants sitting on bed
woman in black shirt and black pants sitting on bed